Martini glass

A Martini glass, also known as a cocktail glass is stemmed and has a bowl shaped like a cone situated on a stem above a base which is flat. It is generally utilized to serve a myriad of cocktails. The structure of a Martini glass is obtained from the actuality that all true-blue cocktails are ice-cool and include a perfumed constituent. The consumer is able to hold the glass at the stem and will not risk ruining the temperature of the drink. As an added bonus, the expansive bowl seats the surface of the drink unswervingly under the drinker's nose, guaranteeing that the fragrant component achieves the most wanted result.

The Martini drink is said to have been invented in the late 19th century in Martinez, California.

An average Martini glass is measured at 4.5 fl oz, although there are now larger Martini glasses ranging in the capacity from 6 fl oz to gargantuan ones of 12 fl oz and more. Ever since Martini cocktails have enjoyed a refreshing resurgence, the demand for Martini glasses has steadily escalated.

Martini glasses are a division of a superior assemblage of drinkware identified as cocktail glasses. Originally, cocktails are presented with the accompaniment of ice, thus the contour of the cocktail glass is for the most part purposeful. Martini glasses are termed as stemware; the exaggerated stems allow you to grasp the glass without the risk of changing the drink's temperature. This is a universal rule - the main purpose of the stem is to ensure that the drink remains cold by keeping the drinker's hands absent from the beverage. It works similarly like a Champagne flute.

Martini glasses are more notable from other cocktail glasses by their piercingly conical bowl. The narrow shape assists in keeping the drink components from unraveling. Many believe that the tapered bowl is meant to display the cherry or olive condiments to their best advantage, while others say that the expansive brim of Martini glasses was invented to facilitate disposal of alcohol in case of a major authority invasion during Prohibition times.

Because of the popularity of Martini drinks, naturally there will be a demand for everything remotely connected to them. With new martini recipes invented daily, so is the invention of new and improved Martini glasses. What was before a glass pure in its design has been reborn as ones decorated with color, creating stark contrasts between the drink and its container.

Before the Martini drink was invented, the Martini glass was simply known as a cocktail tumbler; with the invention firmly in place, slowly, the Martini glass was made with wide brims for one purpose - to help bring about the aromas of the concoction. Due to the renaissance of "old Hollywood" glamor, the Martini glass has been converted as a symbol of superiority and elegance.

The stems of Martini glasses have also enjoyed a recent makeover; in the Czech Republic, expert artisans in the vicinity of Vizovice make breathtakingly beautiful hand-blown Martini glasses worthy of a King's table. These are of course expensive and mostly for decorative purposes. Many martini glasses available are strictly for decoration - because Martinis are meant to be consumed ice-cold, so the ones made out of pewter or silver would take away the pleasure of drinking a Martini.
